A Storm, a Shipwreck, and a Heroic Rescue

The Josephine, a four-masted schooner, embarked on a fateful journey from Savannah, GA, to New York City on March 26, laden with lumber. Her voyage was marred by a severe storm that led to her tragic shipwreck off Kill Devil Hills, NC. This blog recounts the harrowing events that unfolded, highlighting the bravery and heroism of the Kill Devil Hills Coast Guard crew.

Setting Sail
The Josephine, hailing from Baltimore, MD, set sail with a crew of seven under favorable conditions. Little did they know that a storm of unprecedented severity awaited them.

The Storm
By March 31, the Josephine encountered a fierce storm off Cape Lookout. Buffeted by relentless wind and sea for three days, she lost most of her sails and became waterlogged. The captain made a desperate decision to head for the beach to prevent sinking.

Striking the Shoals
On April 3, around noon, the Josephine struck the shoals off Kill Devil Hills, about two miles south of the Coast Guard station. Within an hour, the breakers’ relentless force broke the schooner in two.

Rescue Efforts Begin
Despite the thick weather, the station lookout spotted the Josephine scudding towards the beach without distress signals. The fog patrol later found her in the breakers, realizing nothing could save her from stranding.

A Race Against Time
The Coast Guard crew, led by the station keeper, rushed to the scene with breeches buoy gear. They found the crew clinging to the rigging as the schooner foundered broadside to the beach, battered by huge seas.

Attempts to Save the Crew
Four shots were fired to send a line over the vessel. The first line broke midway, the second was carried away by the wind, and the third fell into the mizzen rigging but was severed by floating wreckage.

Tragic Losses
As the Coast Guard crew struggled with the lines, a wave swept away the ship’s master from the rigging, making him the first to drown. Two more sailors were lost soon after, one attempting to assist his comrade. They clung to a floating timber until a surfman managed to rescue them a mile from the vessel.

Heroic Rescues
With the fourth shot, a line reached between the mainmast and mizzenmast. Two sailors grabbed the line but found it entangled in wreckage. They crawled along the mainmast pointing shoreward. Another sailor, undecided, clung to the crosstrees of the aftermast.

Desperate Measures
As the schooner broke apart, the remaining sailors moved along the wreckage. The Coast Guard crew’s repeated attempts to throw a line fell short. Finally, the keeper entered the water, fighting through wreckage to reach a sailor. Other Coast Guard men joined hands to pull them both to safety.

Final Rescue
One sailor remained trapped by a wire stay. A surfman braved the elements repeatedly to reach him, demonstrating superhuman strength to release and lift him over the stay. With the help of his comrades, he brought the sailor ashore just before the schooner broke up completely.

The wreck of the Josephine stands as a testament to the relentless power of nature and the extraordinary bravery of the Kill Devil Hills Coast Guard crew. Despite the hurricane-force winds, rain, snow, and treacherous surf, their heroic efforts saved four lives amidst one of the most challenging rescues in local memory.

Join Us Next Saturday

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