Ghost Ship Abandoned Overnight – The Chilling Mystery of the Carroll A. Deering

The Carroll A. Deering, often referred to as the “Ghost Ship,” remains one of the most perplexing maritime mysteries off the coast of North Carolina. The schooner, found wrecked on the treacherous Diamond Shoals near Cape Hatteras on January 31, 1921, was abandoned under eerie circumstances, with no crew in sight and dinner left on the stove. Over a century later, the cause of its demise—and the fate of its crew—remains unknown, giving rise to speculation involving pirates, mutiny, and paranormal events.

A Luxury Schooner with a Tragic End

Launched in 1919 from Bath, Maine, by the G.G. Deering Company, the Carroll A. Deering was a five-masted schooner built for cargo transport. Despite being a working vessel, it boasted surprising luxury, with steam heating, electricity, and a fully equipped lavatory. After completing several voyages, the ship departed from Newport News in August 1920 with Captain Merritt in command, but his sudden illness forced a change in leadership. Captain W.T. Wormell, a retired veteran, was assigned to guide the Deering on its fateful journey to Rio de Janeiro.

A Troubled Crew and Ominous Warnings

From the start, tension simmered between Captain Wormell and his first mate, Charles McLellan. During a layover in Rio, Wormell expressed his distrust toward his crew, though he had faith in the ship’s engineer, Herbert Bates. Matters worsened in Barbados when McLellan, intoxicated and angry, publicly threatened to kill Wormell. Wormell bailed him out of jail, hoping to restore order, but the voyage back to the U.S. grew more ominous as the ship neared North Carolina.

The Final Sightings

On January 29, 1921, a crewman aboard the Deering hailed the Cape Lookout lightship, reporting that the schooner had lost its anchors. Suspiciously, the man wasn’t the captain, and records show no red-haired sailors among the crew, as described by the lightship keeper. A day later, Captain Henry Johnson of the SS Lake Elan spotted the Deering steering erratically toward Cape Hatteras, further adding to the mystery.

Discovery and Strange Clues

On the morning of January 31, the Deering was found stranded on the Diamond Shoals. Coast Guard rescue attempts were delayed by rough seas, and it wasn’t until February 4 that officials boarded the vessel. They found the ship abandoned, with navigation equipment and lifeboats missing. Disturbingly, food was still set on the stove, and the captain’s cabin had been ransacked. The sails were raised as if the crew had left in haste, but the missing logbook and lifeboats left investigators with more questions than answers.

Investigation and Theories

The U.S. government launched a multi-agency investigation, but the mystery deepened. A hoax message, allegedly written by a local fisherman, suggested the crew had been captured by pirates. Other theories ranged from mutiny to paranormal activity tied to the Bermuda Triangle. Some speculated that Bolshevik pirates were responsible, though a meteorologist dismissed such fears, attributing the wreck to winter storms.

The Aftermath and Lingering Questions

With the ship unsalvageable, the Deering was dynamited on March 4, 1921, to prevent it from becoming a navigational hazard. Fragments of the wreck washed ashore, becoming part of local folklore. Despite exhaustive investigations, the fate of the Deering’s crew remains unknown. Some speculate they were rescued by the SS Hewitt, which also disappeared without a trace. To this day, the Carroll A. Deering’s haunting tale endures as one of the sea’s greatest unsolved mysteries.

Join Us Next Saturday
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