
What Does It Cost to Close on a Home?

It’s a good idea to budget properly. Review your current income and expenses to learn just how much you can afford. You can start saving for your goal right away. Set aside a certain percent or dollar amount from each paycheck to put towards this goal. Remember that you’ll need to have enough funds for your down payment, monthly mortgage and utility bills, and closing costs.

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6 Steps to Buying a Home

Buying a home is an overwhelming process—you have to master things unknown, navigate through real estate contracts, and get a loan to finance one of the most expensive purchases to date.

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Navigating Coastal Insurance

Your precious home is located in a unique neighborhood and therefore is at the risk of very specific issues that an inland home does not. Hence, as a coastal homeowner, it is crucial that you consider a vastly different insurance option that will protect your cherished property—coastal insurance.

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